Ex-UVA Alum Zimmerman’s Got Hits

May 13, 2009

http://www.flickr.com/photos/bootbearwdc/One of Mr. Jefferson’s University(that’s the University of Virginia for those not paying attention)’s not-yet-famous, but certainly well-known alumni is causing a bit of buzz in the professional sports world with a streak that is heating up.

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TJ Sighting of the Week

April 8, 2009
This undated screen capture is allegedly that of our 3rd President

This undated screen capture is allegedly that of our 3rd President

Thomas Jefferson himself has allegedly been spotted on the UVA campus, walking about unaccompanied in broad daylight…

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TJ By a Nose: Jefferson is 3rd Fastest President (this year)

September 23, 2008

The Washington Nationals run a Presidents Race at every home game featuring life-size bobbleheads of four former U.S. Presidents racing one another including Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson himself!

From the Nationals website:

Tom Jefferson is more bookish than athletic. He is a reader, a studier. He is prone to distraction, once stopping mid-race to orate to the crowd. Before each race, Tom tests the atmospheric conditions in the stadium, the incline of the route and the length of the course…and sometimes ferments up a bottle of wine. He was often the last one picked on the colonial playground (but was always the first picked for the math team). Still, with dashing good looks, a keen mind and perhaps a bit of bravado, Tom often sprints his way to the front of the race.

Jefferson is 2nd all-time in the Presidents Race (though he is 3rd in the 2008 season). Teddy R., however, is winless in over 3 seasons. Guess he just can’t compete with Mr. Lincoln and the Founding Fathers.

Go here to read a blog about the race and Teddy R’s winless streak.

Apparently it has become quite a hit with the fans.