UVA looks to Commonwealth for more $$ for Renovation

February 11, 2011

In a follow up to our blog post from last week (click here to read it)…the University of Virginia is still seeking cash to complete renovation on its iconic Rotunda.

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UVA Students Having a Ball Saving the Rotunda

January 12, 2011
The Rotunda

Proactive students at Mr. Jefferson’s University are having a ball to save its iconic architectural landmark, the Rotunda.

UVA history for kids

October 3, 2008

Found a nifty little page over at Mr. Jefferson’s University’s website that has a history of the University for kids. Some of the hilights include Edgar Allen Poe, freshman; General Custer’s march on the Rotunda and subsequent 96 hour occupation; and the rescue of the big Jefferson statue by students in the fire of 1895!

Check it out here.