“Little Monticello” Restoration Revisited

October 18, 2008

We chronicled the recently completed renovations over at the Madison’s Montpelier home. Here’s another perspective on it over at the American Presidents Blog. Click here to read about it.

And while your there, be sure to vote for the most consequential presidential election. The 1800 election, won by President Jefferson is currently in 3rd place in the poll.

Source: American Presidents Blog

Madison For Resident

September 12, 2008

The latest issue of the Hook (a local free paper in Charlottesville, VA) has a cover story on the painstaking renovation work being done on Montpelier, James and Dolly Madison’s “little Monticello”. Its called “Madison for Resident” and its worth checking out.

A lot of loving care goes into a restoration project of this magnitude. It often takes years to figure out how they built it let alone learn the skills to do it. People with a lot of dedication put in a lot of years to get it as accurate as possible. Poplar Forest (Jefferson’s vacation home) is going under a similiar process (go here to read about it).

To read the article and see lots of pics, go here.

Don’t miss Herb Barger’s comments at the bottom of the online page involving a very controversial Jefferson-related topic. (Mr. Barger has a website (who doesn’t!?!) regarding this controversial topic. Go here to visit.)